Friday, July 07, 2006

Billing Invoice

. It's fortunate that I am a very organized person, because it allows me to find ways to organize information even if it doesn't all fit into the same box. I keep a detailed leger where I file and keep track of all of my billing invoices , recording diligently everything I've billed, everything that has been paid, and everything that still needs to be. I keep records of all of the writing jobs I have done, with a paper copy, an electronic copy, and an off site electronic duplicate for backup. It is crucial to back up all of your work and billing invoices.
Full Article Billing Invoice


Blogger timeguru said...

We developed software to allow the major Practice Management Systems to produce Electronic invoices and email them. You would think that in 2007 this is a generally accepted business practice but not for legal!

You rcomment on simpler payment is also tremendously important as now Cash management issues are the primary cause of firm failure.

Derek Giles

6:06 pm  

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